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Directions to Lakeshore Campus

From the North

Take 41,131 or Sheridan Road south to Washington Street. From 41 and 131, go east to Genesee Street and turn north on Genesee Street from Sheridan Road. Turn west one block to Genesse and turn north. OR Take 94 south to Grand Avenue, exit east on Grand Avenue to Genesee Street. Turn south on Genesee.

From the South

On 94, 43, 41, or 131 north to Belvidere (Route 120) east to Genesee Street. Turn north on Genesee Street to Lakeshore Campus. OR On 131 go north to Amstutz Highway. Exit west on Grand Avenue, go west to Genesee Street. Turn south on Genesee to Lakeshore Campus.

From the West
