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Photo of Sehr Shaikh

Degree or certificate program at CLC:A.S.

Major:Pre-med; planning to graduate from CLC in December 2017.

Transfer school and degree:University of Illinois-Chicago, where I plan to earn a bachelor's degree in biology and then enter medical school.

Hometown: Lake Villa, Ill.

High school:Warren Township High School, 2015.

High school clubs and activities:President of Muslim Student Alliance.

Interests and hobbies:Coordinating a youth group at my mosque; baking.

Sehr Shaikh

Coming to CLC was one of the best decisions I’ve made, because I’ve really grown to become more responsible and more self-confident.When I first started at CLC, I barely knew anyone. By the second semester, I started working part time in the Admissions and Recruitment office’s call center, where I began to make friends. I now hold a part-time position in the Center for International Education. Through this job, I learned that I can work and make friends with people with different backgrounds.

I am in CLC's Honors program, which has been great.与传统课程不同的是,荣誉班级的班级规模更小,重点不只是通过考试,而是有更多的知识讨论。I've built a good relationship with the professors and other students.

One course I really enjoyed was child growth and development, a psychology class.讲座和讨论结合得很好,我喜欢分享自己的个人成长经历,我的家庭结构,以及它对我性格的影响。

Besides the courses, the tutoring centers at CLC have been really helpful.I’ve sought help in many subjects. There’s a good combination of both professional and student tutors. Sometimes, the student tutors will explain a concept in a way that a fellow student can better relate to, and that’s helpful. Joining a study group for my genetics class was really helpful. I was able to share ideas, see different ways that students learn—and make friends, too.

Becoming a co-president of the Muslim Student Alliance club was a great way to build leadership skills.I’ve worked with others to plan events such as Islamic Student Awareness Week. One of the days was Hijab Day, in which we put hijabs (head scarves) on girls and let them keep them. We expected 50 people to show up, but about 200 did and in just about one-third of the time that we had planned! Our club also set up an Islamic trivia table on Student Street, where we handed out coffee and sweets. We kept it casual, and it was really successful.Our club members answered questions about the faith, and students who weren’t Muslim said they gained a better understanding of the tradition. It was a really nice feeling because it showed that the community really cares about welcoming people of all faiths and backgrounds.

A community college is a very economical, nice way to begin college for several reasons.对许多学生来说,开始读一所规模更大的四年制大学本身就是一种负担。另外,你可能会在大讲堂上课,你也会获得好成绩。从CLC开始,你会慢慢地承担起责任。就我而言,我上过大学课程,做过兼职工作,帮助领导过一个学生俱乐部,因为我住在家里,我也能见到我的家人。

My career goal is to work in psychiatry.The psychology class in high school, plus the three I’ve taken at CLC, have been fascinating. I’ve been told that I’m good at helping others and understanding their situation.